Acroamatics’ entire family of Telemetry Data Processing (TDP) systems and Card Level Decom and Simulation products operate seamlessly under both Linux and Windows 10 OS. Acroamatics Display and Analysis Tool (ADAT) desktop application serves as the operations hub in both environments – supporting integrated local and ‘headless’ (remote admin/operations) TDP set-up, operation, display and analysis in both real-time and post-mission playback modes – in either Linux and Windows hosts.
- Same hardware supports operations in both Linux and Windows 10 OS environments
- Supports both remotely monitored ‘headless’ and local standalone keyboard/monitor modes
- Full featured API and robust internal applications support foundation
- Integrated ADAT ‘widget-based’ high-performance telemetry system specific desktop display and analysis application software
- Scalable from single stream portable to multi-stream real-time telemetry data center server application
- Extended life cycle – Free updates and cost-effective long-term support plans and extended warranty plans